I recently stumbled across a really impressive online full fledged coding IDE called Cloud9. By signing up for a free account you get as many public workspaces as you want, plus, a quite complete Linux environment including a really outstanding terminal. This is all made in javascript and HTML5, so this is 100% portable. A recent browser is all you need.Cloud9 proposes workspace templates, which includes node.js, ruby on rails, php, pyhon and some others. Me being on the Java side, I initially thought it was missing this behemoth, but found out that the JDK comes pre-installed, along with a few tools like Ant.
I find there is no better environment for prototyping some stuff. Nothing to install.
I might write a complete article on Cloud9 in the near future.
I'm a big fan of Gavin King, all the way since the beginning of Hibernate a long time ago. I was quite curious when I heard he was on a special project at Red Hat which was about creating a new language for the JVM. Now that version 1.0.0 is out, it's time to put our hands dirty and check this out.
Installing Ceylon on Cloud9
From here I assume you already have your Cloud9 account and you created a custom workspace.
Prerequisites for Ceylon are a JDK plus Ant, and they come preinstalled in Cloud9. So lets download the package and install it at convenient place (don't forget to add Ceylon binaries to the $PATH variable in ~/.bashrc):
Prerequisites for Ceylon are a JDK plus Ant, and they come preinstalled in Cloud9. So lets download the package and install it at convenient place (don't forget to add Ceylon binaries to the $PATH variable in ~/.bashrc):
We now have a working Ceylon installation.
Creating the Hello World project
Executing the project
First execution will provoke the following exception:This is a common error on Cloud9 when installing/running custom binaries. Access controls restrict write operations in core folders.
We need to override where the cache folder will reside:
A new execution will give us a new error:
It appears that commenting out the documentation lines in run.ceylon fixes the problem.